Bikepacking Gear Care 101: Tips for Maintaining Your Bikepacking Gear

Every Trip Carry: Essential Bundles for Every Adventure

How to Patch an Air Mattress and Sleeping Pad

How to Remove Mold, Mildew and Tent Odors

How to Wash a Sleeping Bag

How to Waterproof and Seam Seal a Tent

How to Replace a Zipper Slider

7 Tips for A Successful Winter Van Life

12 Essentials You Need for a Successful Road Trip

Prep Camping Gear in 5 Easy Steps
Camping Tips
Here are a few of our favorite camping tips Firestarting Tip One of the easiest campfires to build and maintain, the “lean-to” fire is a simple pyramid-shaped lean-to ...
6 Tips for a Successful Jeep Off-Road Adventure
So you just scored yourself a hot new hardtop or soft top Jeep and now it’s time to take it off-roading. What good is a Jeep anyway if you can’t head out hossin’? But ...
4 Tips for Packing Up Camping Equipment
With the first rain of the season upon us and the first frost not far behind, we are reluctant to admit that for us, camping season is coming to an end. This means it’...
How to Seam Seal Silnylon Tarps and Tents
Seam sealing silicone/silnylon tarps and shelters terrifies many people. However, it’s one of the easiest things you can do. A few ground rules: Seal the outside. Tha...
Choosing the Right Type of Camping Shelter
Nothing beats sleeping under the stars: the fresh air, the twinkling stars, and the sounds of crickets in the night; that is, until the clouds roll in while you’re dee...
Tips For Building a Campfire
Crackling wood, roaring flames, and the smell of roasting marshmallows. All things that go along with a quintessential part of camping, the campfire. A campfire provi...

Make Your Own Paracord Bracelet
A paracord is one of the most valuable tools that an outdoorsman can carry in his pack. It can be used to hang a bear bag, as a clothes line, for extra points of conta...

Tent Hole Repairs
When you've got a hole in your tent, it can ruin your trip by letting in unwanted water and bugs. Nobody likes to be wet and swarmed by mosquitos. You can fix a hole i...
How to Clean Your Tent
After a particularly dirty trip, it’s important to clean your tent. You’ll need some Revivex Pro Cleaner, and a large tote or bathtub.
Restore Your Tent
We make bringing your tent back to life easy as pie. Before your next trip, pull your tent out of storage and set it up in the back yard. Give your tent a once over an...