As we continue to move our “Take a Kid Outside” initiative forward, we’re pleased to announce a substantial product donation to Adventure 16’s Donate-a-Pack Foundation. The Donate-A-Pack Foundation exists to benefit at-risk, low income, or disabled youth by enabling them to partake in an outdoor wilderness experience.
According to the Foundation, about 85 percent of donated gear is used equipment and many times there are repairs and/or a good washing needed. With that in mind, we sprang to the rescue with repair patches, seam sealers, repair adhesives, tent pole splints, odor eliminators and specialized cleaners and water repellents from our Revivex line-up.
Nothing ruins an outdoor experience quicker than broken or dysfunctional gear. Since we’re in the business of improving the outdoor experience, we felt this was the perfect opportunity to partner with Donate-a-Pack while encouraging kids to get outside.
“We can now count on GEAR AID to help make repairs and clean up equipment before it goes out. Our recipients will get a nice and helpful surprise when they open their boxes and see that we’re doing something special to help with extending the life of their gear,” said John D. Mead, president of Adventure 16.